Welcome to
Wisdom Within Reach.®
Enrollment begins for fall of 2018.
With your support, Dayton Public Preparatory hopes to relaunch education in Dayton. We will build an innovative educational environment based on trust and respect.
We believe in open honest communication and engaged community participation. Registering your interest in joining our group is the first step.
About Our Goals
- Creating a culture of lifelong learning for all in our community.
- Supporting students of all ability levels to reach their fullest potential.
- Forging a bond between schools and the community that is built on trust and respect.
- Advancing the viability of our community to compete on the global stage.
- Crafting a new way to fund schools and create a return for the community.
Why The Change Is Needed
- The world has changed, our education system hasn’t.
- Industrial age values for a service economy is a disconnect
- Lack of autonomy demotivates students in a world of knowledge at your fingertips
- Memorization and retention are no longer necessary skills
- Passions, interests, and self-exploration is ignored in our current system.
- Everyone learns differently. 5 hours a day of lecture is dehumanizing.
Dayton Public Preparatory Innovations
- A longer school day and school year will save parents child care costs. Educators will no longer be expected to work nights and weekends. Work should be done at work.
- Homework for students will be 100% self-guided and voluntary, just like it is in the real world.
- Transportation for all students will be provided. There will be 2 start times: 8am for K-8, 9am for 9-12
- Schools will be re-configured K-5, 6-8, separate 9th grade building, 10-12. Stivers will remain 7-12.
- Coding, foreign language, & music will begin at the elementary level.
- Wi-Fi will be city-wide and free to DPP students.
Wisdom to reach for: Our Team.
When the registrations surpass 5,000 students and 400 staff, we will reveal our leadership team. The window is open for 30 days. At that point, we’ll hold a community town hall, and introduce the leadership, make the request to the state for permission to take over the district, and begin enrollment for August of 2018.
If we don’t hit the goal by May 1, 2018, work will instead begin for the 2019 school year.
HR / Business Manager
Teebee Aye
- 15+ years with Dayton Public Schools
- Superintendent Experience
Tobe Announced
- Native Daytonian
- Graduate of Dayton Public Schools
- 20 years district experience
Youllknow Soon
- 20+ years of experience as treasurer
- No negative financial findings